Neurofeedback, also called EEG Biofeedback, is a gradual learning process. Think of it as brain exercise. Just as a coach conditions an athlete to work out and strengthen their muscles, you condition your brain to recognize improved bioelectrical functioning in order to improve mental and emotional control, manage stress, optimize cognitive function, and maintain physiological balance.
Because neurofeedback helps you to train your brainwaves, it can potentially help with any problem that is influenced by brain dysregulation. These include:
Learning Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Traumatic Brain Injury
Stroke/Cerebrovascular Accidents
Cognitive Changes with Aging
Addiction Disorders
Chronic Pain
It can also help improve peak performance in athletes and executives or anyone who wants to be their best, by teaching them to optimize their brain function.
The brain emits electrical activity which can be measured by a device called an electroencephalograph (EEG). To record this activity the scalp is cleansed. A conductive gel is applied to 19 areas of the scalp and both ear lobes. Using a cap similar to a bather's cap, the brain waves are measured. This is done with eyes open and then eyes closed. The sensors only measure the brain waves, no electrical current is introduced into the brain.
A computer converts this information into a map of the brain called a QEEG (Quantitative EEG). This information is analyzed to identify certain brain wave patterns. Where patterns of dysregulation are noticed, the brain can be trained to adjust its activity to produce a more balanced pattern. Feedback is given with auditory and visual cues when the brain produces brainwaves in the desired frequency. In this way the brain learns to shape its own state of arousal.
Because neurofeedback is learning, the changes your brain makes need to be reinforced in order to become secure. Twice weekly training sessions are recommended. The changes will last longer with each consecutive session and the results will be cumulative over time. Generally it takes about ten sessions to notice results, and a course of training may include 20 to 40 or more sessions to achieve long lasting results.